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What Items Do You to Purchase Before You Pick Up Your Puppy

There is so much excitement that builds when you are waiting for pick up your puppy. It almost seems the time stands still, but don't will be so worth it. BUT BEFORE you pick up your new family member, these are the things we suggest buying to make things go smoothly.

Your new baby will come the following:

  • puppy harness - we prefer harness so there is no unnecessary stress on their neck

  • puppy blanket - it will not be clean, because the purpose will be to have familiar smells

  • small bag of puppy food - we will send a small bag of puppy food that your baby is currently eating. We recommend keep your puppy on the same food unless you plan to go with a completely raw diet.

  • water bowl - just in case you baby is thirsty on the way back to your home.

  • treats - to help in breaking the ice

Items you will NEED TO BUY:

  • puppy bed - if you are anything like us then you baby will likely sleep with you in the bed, but for the naps during the day. We recommend getting an orthopedic bed as it will be much more comfortable

  • leash

  • If you plan to keep you baby in certain areas of your home, we recommend getting a baby gate

  • puppy training pad - your baby will come with some training but depending on the puppy they might have some accidents

  • a car seat

  • puppy food - ask us for the recommended food

  • toys

  • treats for reinforcement of the potty training,

  • shampoo as you will want to keep you baby nice an clean with weekly baths. We use this shampoo, Earthbath All Natural Pet Shampoo.

If you have these items prior to picking up your new baby you should be in great shape. Of course, we are here to answer any questions and to help you and your baby with the new transition.

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